A fine pair of engravings from The History of the New Testament printed in 1689. Gilded frames with coral pink outer edge. Several engravings from the same bible are held in the British museum. Modern frames. Overal sizes: H 445mm x 332mm & H440mm x 332mm

The Death of Holifernes  (Judith after the beheading )

The dedication reads: The most noble Mary Dutchess Dowager of Beaufort, daughter of your Right Honorable Arthur Lord Capell & c. For the advancement of this worke contributed this Plate to whose patronage it is humbly dedicated by Richard Blome. Richard Blome ( 1635-1705 ) was an English publisher and cartographer.

Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort ( 1630 – 1715 ) was an English noblewoman, gardener and botanist. She introduced passionfruit to Britian, amongst other species.

Daniel, Bel and the Dragon

The dedication reads: To Mr. Edward Carleton of Carshalton in Surrey Gent & of the City of London Merchant. For the advancement of the Worke contributed this Plate, to whose patronage it is dedicated by Ric Blome.



